Who We Are
Open Bible Center is a loving and diverse church family. We desire to grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and with one another. Our heart is to share God's wonderful message of the Gospel with those around us. We believe God has gifted every believer to be His hands and feet to the world in which we live.
We are affiliated with Open Bible Churches, whose international headquarters are located in Des Moines, Iowa.
Open Bible Churches currently represent over 2,500 ministers and 1,550 churches in 44 countries. This association is made up of autonomous churches that are evangelical and charismatic/pentecostal in nature. We are an international family of Spirit-empowered churches, committed to glorifying God and fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. The mission of Open Bible Churches is "to globally make disciples, develop leaders and plant churches." To find out more about Open Bible Churches, click the link below.
We are located in the Central Region of Open Bible Churches, which includes nine states at the center of the continental USA. Central Region resources and serves affiliated churches and credentialed ministers. The region's vision is developed around three main strategies- the Heart of the Leader, the Health of the Church, and the Harvest of Communities. For more information about Open Bible Central Region, click the link below.
Global Missions is a division of Open Bible Churches that works to perform ministry around the world. Open Bible Center in Kankakee is proud to support the missionaries of Global Missions and to share their wonderful testimonies. It is so exciting to hear about the amazing things that God is doing to transform lives in foreign lands. If you'd like to learn more about Global Missions, click the link below.
Open Bible Churches publishes many inspiring articles available online. If you would like to read uplifting stories of comfort and hope, check out the Message Magazine by clicking the link below.